Roadean - 1937 Yearbook
This Yearbook was donated to our Black Star Web Site for all to enjoy by The Hackler Family - Stella, Clyde and Sara
With grim determination the football squad began practice in September with hopes of giving its opponents a real fight. Hard practice, team work, and the splendid training from Coaches Giles and Howard proved invaluable to the squad. Although the season was fairly unsuccessful in the eyes of the scoreboard, considering the game only the season was a success because it taught the boys the lesson it is meant to teach. "BE MEN".
FOOTBALL SEASON OF 1936 Willard Phipps, one of our toughest and best players, whom will be missed greatly next year. Birchell Helton, quarter-back. The highest score for the Eagles with 34 points. His splendid cooperation with the team won a place for him as a leader as well as a real football player. John Hughes--Half-back, scored 7 in 1936 season. Next year we hope he will give a real exhibition of college football. Tom Elliott, Guard, showed the side-liners what a fellow with the stuff can do. He will be out for next year's lineup. Lee Land, Tackle, proved to the boys that a few extra pounds can be of a great advantage, especiallly for a tackle. Flem Shoupe, Back, gave a good account of himself in team work and helped the rest of the squad to keep going. Elmer Hall, Guard, will be back next year to back up his and Black Star's athletic record. Harold Moses, End, discovered that teamwork, faithful practice, and "I can take it" are the essentials for a football player. Hohn Caddelll, End, has two more years to add touchdowns to the Eagles. Clemo Dugger, Tackle, surprised the whole community by showing us that he was a real go getter and a football player. Paul Dunn, the boy who played nearly every position and could be relieve upon. Arnold Walters, Center, although small in stature and slightly under weight in comparison with the rst of the squad, always came up with his part. Jess Caddell, Tackle. J. M. Kelly, Back. Others who were out and will be back next year are Henry Carter, Alonzo Golden, and Bob Reynolds. Three boys who came out and were always there to practice, and will give some others some competition next year are Warren Elliott, Lemual Burnette and Clarence Reed. ---Birchell Helton
Reynolds, Thomas, Shoupe, Kelley J., Dugger Carter, Helton, Phipps, Golden Young
BLACK STAR BASKETEERS The Black Star Basketeers completed one of their best seasons this year, winning 14 ou of 25 scheduled games. There was plenty of pep and spirit which helped materially in annexing victories.
The team was one of the largest since 1934. The boys were able to advance into the finals at the District Tournament at Loyall, Kentucky. Helton and Reynolds, judged the most valuable men to the team in tournament play, were placed on the all-tournament team and awarded individual gold basket-balls. The team was awarded the Runners-up trophy.
Reynolds and Carter were high point scorers for the season tallying 200 and 163 markers respectively.
As only three letter men were lost by graduation the team is expecting a great season in 1938.
--Henry Carter
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